• Water farming
Times of drought ask for innovative ways to manage water.
Watermanagement is one of the things the Netherlands is well known for. In this concept Aequator & Innovation Network explain the possibilities of future agriculture. One farm is operating as a water reservoir and is connected to neighbouring farmers. The waterfarm can manage the needs for water in regular times and times of drought.
The goal was to design an aesthetic appealing and non verbal communication tool that can be used at technology and innovation fairs. With the film we delivered a set of cards that a works shop leader could use to further explain and inspire ideas on water farming.
Research & test cases
The film plus a visual communication package contributed to further research and test cases, for instance in the province of Zeeland in the Netherlands.
Link to articles (in Dutch)
Animation director: Udo Prinsen
Animation design: Calé Mazza
Music: Liesbeth Esselink
Projet leader: Francien Knorringa
commissioned by