Mapping Urk
Community project combining healthcare and art.
Art organisation Scab and health care organisation Caritas collaborated on organising an art residency in the town of Urk. Several artists participated in concepting and organising day care programmes and directed activities which lead to an eventual exhibit of community art works.
Before the municipality became part of a new dutch polder in 1939, Urk was an island. It’s borders are still visible in the town’s landscape and resonate in people’s stories. The island has a rich history having been part of several provinces in the Netherlands. Urk never lost it’s independent spirit and this is still noticeable within the community. I wanted to use the concept of borders as a start for several activities connected to map-maping. By inviting the different care-groups, communities and schools in Urk to create a unique personal version of Urk, we could connect their stories.
The results of the project were exhibited in a unique art experience routing through town.
The works I directed and created were presented in the shape of a round table, two leporello books and an artistic video wall. A round table is the best way to invite people for an equivalent exchange of ideas and debate. On the table an imprint of drawings created by people in care groups were combined with a unique map design, offering a diverse view of options and conversation material. The leporello books present the individual drawings creeated by children of the community as a visually connected unity.
The films
In the process I guided people from the community in creating art and sound for a tryptich of animations based on themes surrounding the place they live.
Round Table design object:
Ritske Brouwer, Lammert Loosman, Leo Zandhuis, Fokke Jan Post, Pieter Pasterkamp, Dirk Korf, Wijbren Zijlstra. Thanks to Rob van den Broek (materials & assistentence) and personnel at InteraktContour: Betty Hoekstra-Nentjes & collegues
Leporello A3:
Grethe Sofy, Elizabeth, Josanne, Joas Bart-Jan, Inge, Terena, Carli, Roan, Isik, Jacko, Anne Greethe, Evert, Jelle, Remas, Ohana, Joyce, Willem, Lukas, Lyn, Anonymus, Annebeth
Book cover by
Leporello A4:
S Gnodde, Anonymus, Marina, Knol, Mandy, Henrik, Willany, Eva, Marcus, Anonymus, Joas, Mehlenny, Maarten
Book cover by …..
Thanks to Willie Nentjes, Janita de Boer-Kramer & Betty Hoekstra.
Concept & animation: Udo Prinsen
Additional animation: Beth Sorby
Audio recording, sound design & music: Sijmen Schenk
Audio recording, sound design & edit: Udo Prinsen
Thanks to Jacob & Rik of Caritas.
Project management & overall creative concept residency:
Scab Urk: Lydia Brouwer-Woort, Greetje de Vries, Jacob Oeverbeek
Caritas Urk: Esther Schilder, Rik van Veldhuizen