
Dúplum Duo

Cross over music performance combining vocals, viola and visuals.

This video is an impression, an edit of a 60 minute performance. It was recorded with iphone camera and microphone. 


Dúplum Duo: Björk Níelsdóttir & Þóra Margrét Sveinsdóttir
Vocals: Björk Níelsdóttir
Viola: Þóra Margrét Sveinsdóttir
Design & visuals: Udo Prinsen
Developed during a residency at Dominicains, Haute Alsace.

Thanks to Stefan Kwint for Touch Designer support and Simone de Greef for the use of her library of visuals.

Music compositions
Flowers of Evil · Aart Strootman
Flóra Íslands · Fjóla Evans
Parasite · Sóley Stefánsdóttir
Blue notebook · Aart Strootman
Nous sommes · Morris Kliphuis

image by Anthony Graizely


Dúplum Duo
Album Flowers of Evil
Les Dominicains
Aart Strootman
Morris Kliphuis
Stefan Kwint
Simone de Greef (10secondsiniceland)


Images portraying  the residency