Udo Prinsen
concept · motion · art
I am an animator, director and visual artist, creating film, photgraphy and mixed-media art.
From my studio, I work independently and under commission with people in museums, curators and production companies on creative concepts for exhibits, film, art and theatre. I love to bring original music to the process and work both local and international. 
I think in terms of character, movement and time. Animation is at the heart of my concepts and design, resulting in both playful and dramatic works that can make an impact long after release.  By organising a project specific crew and a unique set of skills and techniques we can shape any story into a visual treat. It is my mission to keep those stories alive forever. 
<< please find my international activities listed at Dutch Culture >>
<< please find my film works listed at IMDB >>
<< please download my full artist statment below  >>